Inspectors have told a care home it needs to improve – for a third time. The Place Up Hanley, in Bucknall, was assessed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in April.

A recently published report reveals it was rated as ‘requires improvement’, which is the same rating it received following its two previous inspections. Inspectors found deficiencies in the safety of residents and how well the home was managed.

However, the report also notes a number of positive points at the Wooliscroft Road facility. The Place Up Hanley, which is run by Safe Harbor, is registered to support up to 51 people and had 30 residents at the time of the inspection. Residents included older and younger people, including some with dementia or other mental health support needs.

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The CQC carried out the latest unannounced inspection in response to concerns raised by Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Inspectors looked into whether the home was safe, how effective it was and how well it was managed.

Inspectors found that further improvements were needed regarding the management of medicines. The report states: “One person needed liquid pain relief medicine. The manufacturers guidance said it should be disposed of after being open for two months.

“There was no opening date on the bottle and there was a risk it had been open for longer than two months. This could make the medicine less effective.

“However, it had not been administered to the person recently, so they had not come to harm. Another person also had liquid medicine and there was no opening date on the bottle so there was a risk this could also become less effective.”

The report added: “One person’s care records made reference to them having an allergy to a particular medicine, however this was not recorded on their MAR (Medication Administration Record). This increased the risk of being given a medicine which could impact their allergy.”

The report also found that further improvements were needed regarding managing risks to people. It stated: “Records which documented people had been distressed had not always been reviewed and there was no evidence learning from these incidents had been incorporated into people’s care plans.

“In another example, one person had a fall in the home, yet their falls or mobility care plans and risk assessments had not been reviewed or updated.”

The Place Up Hanley
The Place Up Hanley

On a more positive note, the care home was now rated as ‘good’ for its effectiveness, having previously been rated as ‘requires improvement’. The report states: “This meant people’s outcomes were consistently good, and people’s feedback confirmed this.”

It added: “There had been redecoration to improve the quality of the environment and people had access to a range of communal spaces such as a large open-plan dining and lounge area, a coffee-shop style seating area and a pub. There was signage available to assist people in orienting themselves.

“Radiators had covers on them so people would not burn themselves if they fell against one and windows had restrictors on to reduce risk to people. Equipment was in place for people with moving and handling needs.”

The CQC will now continue to monitor the information they receive about the service. They will work alongside the provider and local authority to monitor progress.

Safe Harbor has been approached for a comment.

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